Home of 04S7B: 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
Sunday, May 29, 2005
dancing away 10:32 PM

haha shall be nice and relieve everyone of seeing photos and post an entry once in a while! hmm u're welcome, hf! =) and i'm looking forward to class outing! yay! hope everyone comes then. how's everyone's hols? i juz watched lotr part 1 today. and watching more dvds during the hols.. before getting down to my studies.. sigh, that's the horrible part of it all. aniwae, wish everyone good luck and persevere in studying! and to foony: we will miss u, of course! u muz miss us too!

Guan (:

yoyo!! thanks to daryl audrey guan lin qunxiang and irene for voting.. others pls be more active in voting!! it decides ur future. hehehe.. k la kiddin.. see ya all ard!!

huangfang (:

hmm wonder if there are pple visiting this place still.. haha. anyway.. wanna remind u all of our chalet. so keep those three days free k!! hmm those who cannot make it due to some resaon or another. at least try to come for one day pls..

date: 3/7-5/7 (sunday to tuesday)
venue: aloha loyang

it is priced at 260 bucks.. got abundant toilets and it is sea view!!! damn cool! then we can go count shooting stars at nite. haha. so divding it.. plus bbq and stuff. everyone pls bring 15 bucks on the first day of sch k.. and give eunice.. thanks thanks..
oh yesh.. will be puttin apoll for class outing. pls do vote.. yep yep.. enjoy ur hols!!

huangfang (:

Friday, May 27, 2005
dancing away 11:23 PM

This photo... it took song peng so loooooong to take that pic... poor us keking the smile so long and poor him unable to take the photos... in the end, he took 5 photos of us in the same position haha!

qunxiang (:

Every teacher happens to get a fruit, courtesy of our fruits feste... haha... fruits are GOOD for health!

qunxiang (:

Do u see someone at the back? We are taking photographs during Miss Yang's lessons to the extent she came over and stopped us from doing so... haha...

qunxiang (:

rene, xr, hf, foony, liangz, daryl and niu

qunxiang (:

glEndOn uSIng thE sTAy stIck to pOke chOCo to eAt... hoho

-foOny- (:

Took some photos of foony today... so my turn to spam the class blog... waHahAha... u will realise all the photos are centered around that tree... "sacred" tree?
foony and ps

qunxiang (:

hmm the other blog is so sad looking.. think we shld be more hopeful ba.. hmm. am jus bored la.. oh wells. this aint great too. but can jus make do with it first for the time being.. yep yep..
enjoy ur holidays everyone!!


huangfang (:

Sunday, May 22, 2005
dancing away 8:23 PM

Yoz guys,

Since DOTA has died... anybody interested in playing Starcraft?? =P


Eric (:

eh y cannot see who posted the entry one? so hard to tell -.-

nwae is this tues after SPA can go watch Star Wars. somemore no training due to electives. damn shuang. issit an all boys outing? XD from the responce that day it sure looked like one. haha the more the merrier leh.

looks like dota kinda died out in our class huh. =(

Laezeeth (:

waha.. i mus stopp foony from spamming 7B blog all the time. lols. but yea still mus thank her cos those will be great memories years down the road. hee.. maybe everyone's too caught up with thri syf and performances and what have u.. but still mus relax yea everyone.. hm stay funky!

huangfang (:

Friday, May 20, 2005
dancing away 12:02 AM

wE suPporting peNg peNg's chEsS wElfaRe coRner~

-foOny- (:

Thursday, May 19, 2005
dancing away 12:08 AM

nEw diScoveRy toDay... TsE jIAn's nEw sHOe... lOoks NiCe.. coZ goT a LitTle gReEn... waNTed to tAke thE toP viEw... but hE insISted oN takIng thE soLe so aS to sHow tT it's nEw! wahaha

-foOny- (:

Friday, May 13, 2005
dancing away 11:34 PM

iN thE bIo LaB~

-foOny- (:

Thursday, May 12, 2005
dancing away 9:57 PM

fAnGz ouT of thE toiLet cuBicLe... wAHaha~

-foOny- (:

pENgsIang's suPer gAy ( coZ oF thE foLDed sLeEve) n fLAbBy (yEs.. he is Fat!) aRm... WAHAHAHA~

-foOny- (:

Tuesday, May 10, 2005
dancing away 11:16 PM

duRinG reADinG pEriOd.. EvEn dAryL iS sLEePinG! dIscOvEreD by daNieL~

-foOny- (:

LiAnGz~ sMiLinG bRigHtLy~

-foOny- (:

zzZZZZZz n onLi qX iS aWakE! hahA

-foOny- (:

sleEpIng bEaUty~

-foOny- (:

sleepIng moOmoO~

-foOny- (:

dEar mDm yEo.. taKEn bY dAnIeL...oIOi.. i thINk ur cAM phoNe abIt gOt pROblEm le... laST timE not sO bLur one!

-foOny- (:

Friday, May 06, 2005
dancing away 10:38 PM

tSe jIan sHOwing mI hIS sPEcs... hAha

-foOny- (:

Tse jIAn reFuse to B tAken aGain

-foOny- (:

LiAngz... paISeh... thE suN toO briGht... sO LianGz lOok veRy daRk..

-foOny- (:

mE n rOnGz

-foOny- (:

rENe pRactIsing guitaR foR tmL's coNceRT!

-foOny- (:

niU nIU.. he lOok suPer funnY wiTH fAngz baG n plAYing LiAngz hP...

-foOny- (:

Thursday, May 05, 2005
dancing away 10:33 PM

n aGaiN.. thIS iS suPEr ziLiAn foOny... hOho

-foOny- (:

peNgsIAng toO shY to b tAkEn

-foOny- (:

gLendOn's sLEePy fAcE eaRlY in thE moRning~

-foOny- (:

sHy mOo mOo rEfuSe tO b tAken...

-foOny- (:

tSe jIAn @ clAss beNch...

-foOny- (:

Tuesday, May 03, 2005
dancing away 11:56 PM


I was doing numerical methods and gave up.

stumbled on this site n video. GODLIKE


Laezeeth (:

roNgz so naUgHty... sHE felL sTrAight tO sLeEp aFter grEEting mDm yeO!! tiLl eND of LeSsoN!!! hoHOoo

-foOny- (:

yUpz... aGAIn... mDm yEo... hOHo...

-foOny- (:

*wINk wInk... mDm yeO thrU tHe hOLe... wAHahaaa

-foOny- (:

fANgz n rONgz

-foOny- (:

foOny @ fiSh tAnk... duNno waD kIndA fAce iS tT~

-foOny- (:

eSsay rOCks... WAHAHA *evIL grIn

-foOny- (:

gUyZ... fIsh tAnk iS oUr fAv sLAcking aRea... haHA

-foOny- (:

n... xInrong buSy sLeEPing...

-foOny- (:

iReNe buSy doIng eSsay.. whILe fAngz buSy poSeing.. haHA

-foOny- (:

fANgz aCtinG cUte aLso... hAha...

-foOny- (:

xIUxIu... hOho... aCtinG cuTe!!! waHAhaa

-foOny- (:

foOny in thE toILet zILiAn-iNg..haHA

-foOny- (:

yIchAo sO xIn fu.. alL thE gaL sURrOUnd hIm.. HAhaa

-foOny- (: