Home of 04S7B: 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
Sunday, July 31, 2005
dancing away 10:50 PM

foOn foOn aGAin HoRrr~ ---> stArinG aT u alL... tRyiNg to sAy.. dUN u dAre to foRget mI.. wahHAaa.. mUg haRd! byE byE~ n tHX tO aLl thOSe wHo cAMe tO sENd mI oFf tT dAy... n alSo.. evERyoNe!! foR wRitiNg thE noTez!

-foOny- (:

thE 2 verY fAmOUs bRiDge iN hK... HOho.. i aM on oNe oF it... boTh aRe Lighted!~ verY pRettY~

-foOny- (:

vIeW fRom mY wiNDow... *frEsh aIR woR... hAhahaa... buT aLso iMpliEs hOw wULu iS thE pLace i Live.. hOHo

-foOny- (:

iN cAse u aLL duN reAD My bLog... shAlL poSt mY cuTe FaCe heRe.. sO tT u alL wuN foRget tT i aCtuaLLy exIst!!! wAHaha.. mIss mI woR~

-foOny- (:

Thursday, July 28, 2005
dancing away 5:36 PM

Hello everyone! These are taken on the day that we were at the airport. U can try putting the mouse over some of the pics.. If u all want any other photos, tell me, kaes? Yupz. Enjoy!
Say cheese!

Foony, we'll miss you.

Doesn't it look real? Yum.

Haha. Tj willingly let me put this picture up.. for entertainment purposes. Yay!

Guan (:

Wednesday, July 13, 2005
dancing away 11:53 PM

fate brought us together.
and eternity is for us to keep.

what can i say..
we rox! =)

happy birthday!!

xiu (:

Hey, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO 04S7B! Haha.. juz want to say that i'm glad i'm in this class. Yupz. Hope we'll meet up in the future on this very day again and again! And hopefully.. every single one of you will turn up. Till then, cheers~

Guan (:

Tuesday, July 05, 2005
dancing away 9:26 PM

Hey all

just wanna say... i goddamn miss the chalet already.
haha i had a great time over the last 3 days. all that music, the movies, the lack of sleep, the vodka, the book, the table... haha XD

wanna thank the peeps who organised the chaet... aloha loyang is damn gud. i mean... 5 toilets? wah kao i cud sleep in them la. i enjoyed being in the company of everyone, while there wasn't any console games to entertain us, i think watching killbill and learning a new vulgar word or two was good enough.

hmm yea and the bbq was good. i dun realli think the food went to waste la. over the night i finished quite a bit of otah (oops) den we had leftovers for lunch the next day. saved me some cash XD oh yah i think playing with fire is fun. prolly inhaled enuf soot to keep me from smoking for the rest of my life haha.

the best part is hanging out with all u guys le. hmm we seldom haf the chance to get together like dat... for 3 solid days no school no work just play n crap with each other. we shud organise one liddat at the end of the year. mebbe even after we graduate, can come tgt once a yr to haf chalet?

den next time i can buy my OWN alcohol le. ToT

Laezeeth (:

Saturday, July 02, 2005
dancing away 6:50 PM

yoyo.. jus to remind u all..
tml meet at 430 at pasir ris k!! see ya all then!

huangfang (: