Thursday, November 20, 2008
Hi all,
For your info, our junior class is 08S6Q!!! cos currently though there is a 08S7B but it is apparantly a STP class and the senior class is another STP class...
qunxiang (:
Monday, November 17, 2008
Hi everyone,
Just a short note. I was looking at our junior class's blog (05s7b).. and found links to 06s7b's and 07s7b's blogs!! OMG. Haha, you all should go take a look some time when you're bored with studying. It's interesting to see how some things like class benches and classrooms never change. And more interesting are familiar terms like JTS, STJ and TYS! Remember them? Alright, good luck with the exams!!
Guan (: